Armenian fund for health insurance in Lebanon (AFHIL)
Hagop Ladoyan, Director
Arine Center, 4th floor
1203 Bourdj Hammoud
+9611242 556
About us
AFHIL (Mutual Fund), the Armenian Fund for health insurance in Lebanon was established in 1998. It was founded by Hamazkayin Cultural Association, Armenian Red Cross and Union of Armenian social workers in Lebanon. Its primary objective is to provide medical protection and assistance, as well as to spread awareness for the need of health insurance in the Lebanese community. Moreover, it accomplishes its mission by coordinating with Globemed as third party administrator. It also encourages university students to achieve their goals by granting them university fund and support. Till now, it has more than 7000 adherents for whom it provides not only medical service but also financial facilities, humanitarian social benefits, and home medical service. With a highly skilled team backed by a professional management system, AFHIL is committed to offer the best service to our valuable adherents.