Prof. Dr. Elke Hartmann, Institut für Osmanistik und Turkologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Fabeckstrasse 23-25
14195 Berlin
Über uns
Houshamadyan is non-profitmaking association that was founded in Berlin, Germany, in 2010. It has a basic mission: to reconstruct and preserve the memory of Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire through research. The Houshamadyan Association has determined that this website, www.houshamadyan.org, will be the most suitable means to showcase the results of the Association’s work. For this reason, Houshamadyan Association’s primary aim is to maintain, finance, develop, expand, finalize, and enrich this website. At present, Houshamadyan is primarily financed by individual gifts and donations. We hope that many of our visitors will be encouraged to make a small donation to show their appreciation for our work.